A Million Miles Away Quotes
A Million Miles Away is a story about Jose Hernandez and his family. They were farmers in a small village in Mexico, but they moved to California to work in the fields. Jose always dreamed of working for NASA, and with the help of his family and teachers, he made it happen. He became a flight engineer and even went to space. The movie celebrates the Hernandez family’s hard work and determination and encourages people to follow their dreams.
A Million Miles Away 2023 Movie Quotes
Salvador: You think I’m not tired? Or that your mom is not tired? Oh, Pepito … look at this mess.
Jose: How do you do it? You say you’re tired, but I don’t see you tired.
Salvador: It’s because I’ve got a recipe, mijo. The first thing is you have to know what you want. Second, look where you’re standing. How far you still need to go. Three … you have to think how you’re going to get there. Fourth ingredient, if you don’t know how, you have to learn. Fifth, and last one. When you think you’ve made it, you’ll probably have to try even harder.

Beto: Who better than a migrant? Somebody that knows what it’s like to dive into the unknown.
Beto: I’m gonna miss you, man.
Jose: Hey, it’s not like I’m going anywhere. I’m staying right here.
Beto: That’s not the point. You’re out of here. You’re going to a place with a job, a title and respect.
Salvador: All right, everybody, show me your hands. With those hands, we pick the food that people are going to have on their table and with a lot of pride. Understood? This may not be your future, but it will always be your past.
A Million Miles Away
The film “A Million Miles Away” is about how to achieve the impossible. It stars Michael Pena. Alejandra Marquez Abella directed it. Based on the book by Jose Hernandez. The movie “A Million Miles Away” was released on September 15, 2023.
Quotes from A Million Miles Away 2023 Film
Miss Young: Can you ask your father … What would happen if he had a tree, planted it, watered it, cared for it, but then dug it up and replanted it every year, again and again? How would that tree grow?

Adela: What do they have that you don’t have?
Jose: Well, the last batch of candidates were chosen from 12,962 applicants. Now, some are from the military. Some hold PhDs. They’re scientists, engineers. I mean, there’s some teachers. Oh, and there’s-there’s, you know, pilots, lots and lots of pilots.
Quotes from A Million Miles Away 2023 Movie
Sturckow: What’s changed? What’s different this time?
Jose: Over the course of the last ten years every academic, professional and personal decision I’ve made, I’ve made with the space program in mind.
Sturckow: Sure.
Jose: I have my master’s in electrical engineering. I’m a pilot now with over 800 hours under my belt. I have my scuba diving certificate. I just ran the San Francisco Marathon.
Sturckow: Wow.
Jose: And I speak Russian, sir. In fact, I volunteered to travel to Siberia as part of the transparency program for the U.S. Department of Energy. I’m the father of five most perfect children and the husband of the most incredible wife, who threatened to leave me if I didn’t come here today. I’ve applied 12 times, and, yes, sir, I’ve-I’ve been on the verge of giving up after each and every rejection, but you know what, sir? Here I am. So, you can turn me down again, but rest assured, I’ll be standing here again in a year.
Jose: And, you know, they have success in high-performance hobbies like running, swimming, triathlon, tennis, weightlifting. Some of them are just, like, outright athletes. One of the guys is a deep-sea diver who’s logged more than 700 dives. So diving is key, you know? And then the other skill is, you know, they speak Chinese, French, German. But of course, the most important one is…
Adela: They’re white.
Jose: No. About that Russian program. No, no, they speak Russian.
Jose: Come on. It’s a 30-year-old car.
Beto: It’s a 20-year-old car. And it’s El Impala. Think about all the adventures that we lived together in this car. You know, I think … I think you’re trying to forget who you are, huh?
Jose: Man. You think this defines me?
Adela: No, I think it was because you’re an engineer.
Jose: I thought that nerds didn’t intimidate anybody.
Salvador: They’re not going to pay full shifts. He says that we didn’t do all the baskets.
Julia: But we did.
Salvador: I know. For us, there’s no chances or shortcuts.
Julia: Salvador.
Salvador: In fact, you are very lucky. You can have a look at your future. See over there? All that is your future.
Weissberg: I want you to xerox these, two copies each page, then archive them in the basement.
Jose: That’s a… that’s a lot of copies. There’s like a thousand copies.
Weissberg: Yes.
Jose: Do you think that maybe there’s a there might be a-a better way to use my time?
Weissberg: This is a good way to use your time.
Jose: It just gets heavy.
Salvador: Then get stronger.
Salvador: You can take the farmer out of the field, but you can’t take the field out of the farmer.
Adela: I think you should do it.
Jose: But what’s going to happen with the restaurant?
Adela: Are you saying that in Spanish to make it easier?
Jose: Is it working?
Adela: No.
Jose: I mean, but we’re gonna spend every penny.
Adela: We grew up watching our people make sacrifices. It’s on us now.
Reporter: Is it true that you grew up as a-a migrant farmworker in California?
Jose: Yes. My parents came to this country looking for a better life, and we picked … well, I mean, we picked your food.
– When will that be you?
– As soon as I’m done chopping those onions back there.
Jose: Mom, what are stars for?
Julia: That’s a question for school.
A Million Miles Away
Michael Pena as Jose
Rosa Salazar as Adela
Julio Cesar Cedillo as Salvador
Veronica Falcon as Julia
Bobby Soto as Beto
Jordan Dean as Weissberg
Garret Dillahunt as Sturckow
Sarayu Blue as Kalpana Chawla
Genre: drama
© Amazon Studios, Redrum, Select Films.