One Piece Quotes on Netflix
The Netflix TV series “One Piece Live Action” is about a captain, Monkey D. Luffy, and his group Straw Hat Pirates. Starring Inaki Godoy, Emily Rudd, Mackenyu, and Taz Skylar. Based on the manga “One Piece” by Eiichiro Oda. The release date of the film is August 31, 2023.
One Piece 2023 TV Series Quotes on Netflix
The story is about a group of pirates called the Straw Hat Pirates. They want to find a treasure named “One Piece” so their captain, Monkey D. Luffy, can become the “King of the Pirates.” However, The Marines chase them, and other pirate crews also look for the treasure. The Straw Hats are ambitious and loyal to each other, and ready to fight for their dreams. They travel through dangerous oceans and lands to find the treasure.
One Piece Live Action: Best Luffy Quotes
Luffy: You should never let anyone tell you what you can’t do.

Koby: I don’t get it. Why would anyone want to be a pirate?
Luffy: Because it’s the best thing there is. You have the wind in your back, the salty sea air, your loyal crew by your side. You never know what’s on the horizon. It’s all about being free.
Luffy: You can’t make people love you. Just like you can’t make them smile.
Roronoa Zoro: Is every day gonna be this crazy with you?
Luffy: Shanks always said that if the path to what you want seems too easy then you’re on the wrong path.
Luffy: You gave up on your dream. No one who does that can ever call themselves a pirate.
Luffy: The meal has already been paid for. I just haven’t given you the money yet.
Koby: There are way worse pirates on the Grand Line. It’s terrible.
Luffy: Yes. I know, right? Where’s my face?
One Piece Live Action
The TV show “One Piece Live Action” is about Monkey D. Luffy, the group Straw Hat Pirates captain. It stars Inaki Godoy, Emily Rudd, and Mackenyu. Based on the manga by Eiichiro Oda. The movie “One Piece” was released on Netflix on August 31, 2023.
One Piece Live Action: Powerful Shanks Quotes
Shanks: Scars don’t make the man, Luffy. It’s the lesson behind the scar, and you didn’t earn this one.

Shanks: Not everything can be solved with violence.
Shanks: Better a disappointed kid now than a dead one later.
One Piece: Best Zoro Quotes
Mihawk: You’re defeated. Why do you persist?
Roronoa Zoro: Wounds on the back are a swordsman’s greatest shame.
Ax Hand Morgan: I like you. We should be working for the same team. You’d make a hell of a Marine.
Zoro: Kind of got my own thing going on. Doesn’t leave much time for playing dress-up.
Zoro: Will you two knock it off? I’m trying to take a nap.
Nami: I’m sorry. Were we interrupting your beauty sleep?
Zoro: Don’t like what you see? Look away.
Usopp: I’m Chief Technician in charge of encrustation removal and aviary waste eradication.
Luffy: Encru what?
Zoro: He scrubs barnacles and cleans bird shit.
Zoro: Pace yourself.
Usopp: I don’t even think there’s liquor in this. It tastes just like candy.
Zoro: Last time I said that, I woke up face down under a table.
One Piece: Iconic Quotes by Garp on Netflix
Garp: Our experiences don’t define us. It’s what we gain from them that matters. You learned, and you survived.

Garp: We can take their ships, their weapons, and even their lives, but we cannot win if we do not take away their dreams.
Garp: I joined the Marines over 50 years ago. A green recruit like yourself. I came in with simple ideals, but I had to adapt, because the world is not a simple place. The same set of laws do not apply to everyone.
Koby: But that’s not fair.
Garp: No, it’s not. But you have to decide if you can live with that.
Garp: I could’ve been fleet admiral by now, but I always turned down the promotion. Do you know why? Because I’d have to do things their way. I’d lose my freedom.
Famous Nami Quotes from One Piece
Luffy: So why did you decide to become a thief?
Nami: I didn’t decide. I needed to eat. You do what you have to survive.
Zoro: How much do these cost?
Nami: If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.
Luffy: Why would anyone even need this many clothes?
Nami: It’s not about need with these people. It’s about want.
Nami: Rich people don’t have the same emotions we do. This stuff doesn’t make her feel lonely. It makes her feel important.
One Piece: Best Quotes by Sanji
Sanji: Being a captain, it’s the toughest job in the world, okay? Zeff once told me that making decisions is what separates a captain from the rest of his crew.
Zoro: Gotta keep my strength up, even with your cooking. It’s the least you can do, considering I saved your ass from those fishmen.
Sanji: What? I saved your arse.
Zoro: You didn’t even get your hands dirty.
Sanji: At least I don’t need three swords to prove I’m a man.
Fishman: You’re no match for me. My kicks can break a ship’s keel.
Sanji: That’s nothing. You should have seen Zeff’s kicks when he found an eggshell in the creme brulee.
Quotes by Helmeppo from One Piece
Helmeppo: Father always said, “Dead pirate weighs the same as a live one.”
Koby: Why would the Marines need to work with pirates?
Helmeppo: To do the things they didn’t want tied back to them. In exchange,
the Warlords were given free rein.
Koby: To do pirate stuff? Illegal pirate stuff?
Helmeppo: Koby, you may know how to tie a knot, but you don’t know shit
about how the world works.
Quotes from One Piece film on Netflix
Garp: Do you have any last words?
Gold Roger: Yes. Would you take these off? Starting to itch.
Pirate: You’ve killed my men, destroyed my fleet. Why are you after me?
Mihawk: You woke me from my nap.
Episode 1. Romance Dawn.
Pirates are looking for a treasure called the “One Piece” that belonged to a famous pirate captain named Gold Roger. A new pirate named Monkey D. Luffy is also searching for the treasure. He meets a boy named Koby who wants to join the Marines. Luffy has special powers that help him defeat a mean pirate named Alvida, and he takes Koby with him to get a map to find the treasure. They meet a man named Zoro, who is in trouble with the Marines, and they help him. They also meet a thief named Nami, who wants the map too. They defeat some bad guys and get the map. Koby stays behind to join the Marines, and Luffy, Zoro, and Nami leave together.
Episode 2. The Man in the Straw Hat.
Luffy, Zoro, and Nami are caught by Buggy the Clown, a pirate who has trapped the people of Orange Town in his circus. Luffy eats the map before being caught. Buggy tries to drown Luffy, but Zoro and Nami save him. The Clown is defeated, and the town is free. Koby meets with Garp, who punishes Morgan for lying. Nami has the map, and flashbacks show Luffy’s past with Shanks.
Episode 3. Tell No Tales.
The Straw Hat Crew needs a new boat, so they go to Gecko Islands in Syrup Village to find one. They meet a guy named Usopp who works at the shipyard and tells them about a sickly rich girl named Kaya who might sell them a boat. Usopp and Kaya are friends, but Zoro doesn’t trust Kaya’s butler, Klahadore. Meanwhile, Garp likes Koby and challenges him to be loyal to the Marines. Fishman Pirate Arlong threatens Buggy and decides to go after Luffy. Klahadore is Kuro of the Black Cat pirates and kills Kaya’s lawyer, Merry. Zoro is knocked out, and Usopp runs for help, but only Koby believes him.
Episode 4. The Pirates Are Coming.
Zoro falls down a well after being thrown by Kuro’s helpers, Sham and Buchi. He remembers his friend Kuina, who inspired him to become a swordsman. Usopp brings Koby and the Marines to help, but Kuro tricks them and gives them an unconscious Luffy who ate poisoned soup. Eventually, Usopp and Nami help Kaya, shocked after learning that Merry is dead and Klahadore is Kuro. Zoro saves Luffy from the Marines, and they return to the house. Zoro fights Sham and Buchi, while Luffy battles Kuro. The Straw Hats win, and Kuro runs away. Kaya gives them a new ship called the Going Merry. Usopp joins the crew and confesses his love for Kaya, who wants to become a doctor. Finally, Garp attacks their ship, and Luffy reveals that Garp is his grandfather.
Episode 5. The Chef and the Chore Boy.
Luffy and his friends escape from the Marines by bouncing a cannonball back at them. They end up at a restaurant where they meet a chef named Sanji. Luffy can’t pay for his meal, so he has to work as a dishwasher to pay it off. Garp hires someone to capture Luffy. Koby learns about the Seven Warlords of the Sea, who work with the government. Zeff, the owner of the restaurant, won’t let Sanji cook. Mihawk comes to capture Luffy, but Zoro challenges him to a sword fight. Eventually, Zoro loses and falls unconscious, but Mihawk decides not to kill him and leaves Luffy alone.
Episode 6. The Chef and the Chore Boy.
Luffy asks Zeff to help Zoro’s injuries, but he’s unsure if Zoro will survive. Nami talks to Zoro to keep him alive and admits to pushing her friends away. Sanji tells Luffy and Usopp about his dream to find All Blue, where all fish live, and his past with Zeff. Koby learns about Luffy’s connection with Garp and decides to capture him, even though Garp thinks Luffy won’t change. Arlong and his crewmates Chew and Kuroobi come to Baratie to find Luffy, taking Buggy’s head hostage. Nami reveals she’s part of Arlong’s crew and gives Luffy the Grand Line map before leaving. Zoro wakes up and convinces them to go after Nami. Sanji joins the Straw Hats, and Luffy reveals he stole Buggy’s head.
Episode 7. The Girl with the Sawfish Tattoo.
Luffy and his friends go to Conomi Island and discover that Arlong and his pirates control Coco Village. Nami’s sister, Nojiko, tells them that Arlong killed their mother. Garp goes to Baratie and asks Zeff where Luffy is. Koby tells Helmeppo that Garp is Luffy’s grandfather. A bartender tells them where Luffy is. Arlong pays off Marine Captain Nezumi to keep quiet about their actions. Nami has 100 million berries to pay off Arlong, but he takes the money. Nami asks Luffy for help. Arlong attacks Coco Village, and Luffy and his friends notice.
Episode 8. Worst in the East.
The people of Coco Village come together to help the Straw Hat Crew fight against Arlong and his Fishmen Pirates at Arlong Park. The Straw Hats fight bravely and manage to defeat many fishmen. Luffy faces off against Arlong in his tower and realizes that Nami’s work is vital to him. Luffy destroys the tower and defeats Arlong. Garp and the Marines arrive, but Luffy refuses to surrender. They fight, but Garp eventually lets them go. Nezumi puts a bounty on Luffy’s head, and Luffy and Koby say goodbye. Garp decides to train Koby and Helmeppo. The Straw Hats declare their future goals, and a Marine captain burns Luffy’s wanted poster.
One Piece
Inaki Godoy as Monkey D. Luffy
Emily Rudd as Nami
Mackenyu as Roronoa Zoro
Morgan Davies as Koby
Vincent Regan as Garp
Jeff Ward as Buggy
Peter Gadiot as Shanks
Jacob Romero as Usopp
Aidan Scott as Helmeppo
Steven John Ward as Mihawk
Taz Skylar as Sanji
Langley Kirkwood as Ax Hand Morgan
© Netflix, Tomorrow Studios, Film Afrika Worldwide, Kaji Productions, Shueisha.