Old Dads Movie Quotes
The movie “Old Dads” is about parenthood, friendship, and self-control. Starring Bill Burr and Bobby Cannavale. Directed by Bill Burr. The release date of the film “Old Dads” is October 20, 2023.
Old Dads 2023 Movie Quotes
Jack is having a hard time adjusting to new things. He feels he doesn’t belong with the younger parents at his son’s school. He sold his company to a new boss who changed everything. Despite all these problems, Burr’s top priority is caring for his family. He admits he may not be good at some things but will always do whatever it takes for his child.
Mike: Three cardinal rules of friendship. Don’t bring up politics. Don’t bring up religion. And don’t try to tell people how to raise their kids.

Jack: What’s my problem? My problem is I live in a world where a guy who’s smoking is telling me I can’t smoke, all right?

Jack: Wait. Did you get in trouble for selling those Ed Cameron T-shirts?
Aspen: Suspended indefinitely, actually.
Jack: I think that’s millennial for “fired.”

Aspen: I’m 28 years old, and I’ve already worked for 15 different start-ups.
Jack: Is that something you want to brag about?
Jack: I’m just going to make sure my kids are prepared for whatever this world has to offer. Unfortunately, I have no idea what that is anymore. For some reason, I can’t leave my kid in the car to run into a convenience store, but that same store can sell him food so full of hormones he’ll be able to grow a beard by the third grade.
Old Dads
The film “Old Dads” is about parenthood, friendship, and aging. It stars Bill Burr and Bobby Cannavale. The movie “Old Dads” was released on Netflix on October 20, 2023. Bill Burr directed it.
Quotes from Old Dads 2023 Film on Netflix
Connor: How did you find him?
Travis: Well, it wasn’t easy. But in 1976, he signed up for a raffle at a local church. That information was sold to Mammoth Mart, who then sold it to Columbia Record and Tape Club, who turned right around and sold it to JPMorgan Chase. And then they got hacked, and it ended up on the dark web, so that was a little harder to …
Jack: Was that your armadillo?
Ed Cameron: It is now. The highway provides.
Mr. Kelly, do you understand that using the C-word is like the N-word but for women?
Jack: Yes, I’m sure it is. You know, other than the 400 years of slavery and continued systemic oppression. Other than that, I think you’re making a really solid point.
Jack: That’s not so bad. Just rub some dirt on it, buddy. There you go.
Hunter: You might want to get him checked or at least put a little Neosporin on it. That thing could get infected.
Jack: Who are you?
Hunter: I’m Hunter Lewis. Lisa’s husband. Just moved in across the street.
Thanks for having me.
Jack: Yes? Are you a doctor, or are you just one of those WebMD guys?
Hunter: It’s just common knowledge. You want to keep the cut clean.
Jack: Is it? Listen, I’m trying to raise a little man here, not a f**king p**sy. So, I appreciate your concern. But why don’t you just go back to your hard seltzer and, you know, go on Twitter, and go share the story where you’re the hero?
Dana: Is there a reason we always have two white men dominating the discussion in this room?
Jack: Was that directed at us? Because if I’m not mistaken, you’re also a white male, buddy.
Dana: Why don’t you consult the results of my 23andMe test? Because the 3% of my lineage that is Sri Lankan is really not appreciating your tone in this moment.
Quotes from Old Dads 2023 Movie
Aspen: This company is now a gender-neutral, carbon-neutral, 21st-century lifestyle apparel brand. And the first step in that is to liberate everyone born before 1988.
Aspen: I mean, come on, throwback jerseys? You didn’t just start the trend. You perfected it. The breathability of this fabric. Must have been sewn by the gods.
Jack: Actually, it was sewn together by some hardworking women in Koreatown.
Jack: This is the company my friends and I started 23 years ago. We make high-end throwback jerseys. But I got talked into selling the company so I could afford to send my son to private school, where all the kids are dressed like f**king news anchors.
Jack: We’re wondering when you’re gonna make an honest woman out of Britney.
Mike: I told you. She doesn’t wanna get married. She doesn’t wanna have kids. All she wants to do is fuck me and go to the gym.
Jack: Goddamn, Mike. You found a fucking unicorn.
Jack: There she is. Leah. Got the second one in the oven, and she still looks great. According to her, the reason I got such a late start is because I had an unhappy childhood. But I’m not going to whine about it. That’s what vegans do.
Jack: When was the last time you saw one of those ba**ards stop at a stop sign?
Jack: There she is. Leah. Got the second one in the oven, and she still looks great. According to her, the reason I got such a late start is because I had an unhappy childhood. But I’m not going to whine about it. That’s what vegans do.
Jack: You don’t dress me down in front of my kid. I’m paying you to educate my son, not me, okay?
Jack: $3,100? All right. Come on, people. I saw a lot of Teslas in the parking lot. Just because your car’s quiet doesn’t mean you have to be.
Dr. Lois Schmieckel-Turner: You know, Jack, I don’t fault you for the way you are. You’re just blinded by a lifetime of privilege.
Jack: If I was privileged, I don’t think I’d have to spend two hours pretending I wanted to talk to you, now would I?
Connor: One time, Julio Iglesias came up to me in an airport, dead certain I was his son, Enrique. The f**king kind of vibe I was putting out, bro! And it was effortless!
Plot Old Dads (2023) movie
Jack, Connor, and Mike are long-time friends and colleagues. They meet the challenges of the modern world and societal expectations as they enter their 50s. When Connor attempts to teach his son Colin the importance of apologizing for hitting, his wife Cara confronts him.
Eventually, the trio decides to sell their business, Trifecta, to a group of millennials. Nevertheless, they are still the employees. However, the new boss, Aspen, fires all employees above 35 years old. Trifecta, once known for selling nostalgic team jerseys, is now transforming, embracing modernity by striving for gender equality and environmental sustainability.
Jack confronts the director of his son Nate’s private kindergarten in front of everyone for being two minutes late. Leah insists that he apologizes because she will need a recommendation from the director in the future. However, when Jack and Leah go to the school to apologize, the director asks him to apologize to all parents and children.
Meanwhile, despite having undergone a vasectomy, Mike’s girlfriend Britney reveals that she is expecting a baby. Subsequently, the three friends are assigned to locate Ed Cameron, a man who has lived off the grid since the 1980s. Travis, a young employee, accuses them of being misogynistic. Mike confronts him about his arrogant attitude, proving he is not always politically correct either.
Leah encounters Cara. Colin approaches and strikes her pregnant stomach. When she warns him, he shamelessly punches it. Cara defends him, and the women argue. At Trifecta, despite successfully recruiting Cameron, Aspen fires them because a hidden camera in the rental car recorded their conversation. Even Travis is dismissed, as his TV camera captured him singing strongly worded rap lyrics at the start of his day.
Jack then focuses on the school fundraiser. However, things turn for the worse when he has another outburst, resulting in Leah kicking him out. Late one night, Jack and Mike meet each other at a restaurant. They reconcile their differences and decide to take Connor on a road trip to a casino for a bachelor party.
Along the way, they encounter Aspen, who has been fired for using inappropriate language unintentionally. Later, while at a strip club, Jack receives a call informing him that Leah has gone into labor. They call an Uber. However, the ride is painfully slow, so they use small electric scooters to complete their journey.
Jack reconciles with Leah and commits to attending therapy. Ultimately, they enroll Nate in a public school, and Jack successfully learns to manage his anger. Mike formally proposes to Britney while Connor works to help Cara become more relaxed.
Old Dads
Bill Burr as Jack Kelly
Bobby Cannavale as Connor Brody
Bokeem Woodbine as Mike Richards
Katie Aselton as Leah Kelly
Reign Edwards as Britney
Jackie Tohn as Cara Brody
Miles Robbins as Aspen Bell
Rachael Harris as Dr. Lois Schmieckel-Turner
© Miramax, All Things Comedy, All of Us Productions, Netflix.