Shrinking Quotes Season 1 Episode 10
The Apple TV+ series Shrinking Quotes Season 1 Episode 10 “Closure”. It stars
Heidi Gardner, Jason Segel, Jessica Williams, Christa Miller, Ted McGinley, and Harrison Ford.
Derek: I haven’t had shrimp this good since I was in “Barthelona.”
Liz: Derek, absolutely not.
Derek: That’s how they say it.
Grace: Boop!

Brian: It’s still surreal to me that you’re in my wedding party, but top-notch ushering, Derek.
Derek: He knows my name! Big day for both of us!
Alice: “Once you go Asian, you won’t go Caucasian.”
Jimmy: Your mom used to wear that when we took hikes to make me uncomfortable.
Alice: I am wearing this to school on Monday.
Jimmy: I look forward to the call from your principal.
Grace: You know, when Donny used to criticize me, I would always think it was my fault. But now, if he’s like, “Your eggs are too runny,” I think he’s lucky we’re not eating breakfast on a cliff because I’d push him off and watch his skull crack open, and I would be like, “Your brains are too runny, b**ch.”
TV Series: Shrinking TV Quotes
Quotes Shrinking Episode 10 on Apple TV+
Jimmy: Yes, so then she came back downstairs and asked me if the reason I’m losing weight is to start dating again.
Brian: Foolish girl. She complimented you.
Jimmy: I know, that’s all I heard. That I look great.
Brian: Not everyone here was invited to that, so shut it.
Jimmy: Me and Brian and a bunch of his friends went to a male strip club. But it was just for regular.
Jimmy: It’s just frustrating, you know. I have all this training and experience, and I feel so helpless.
Paul: You should put that on your business card.
Gaby: The best part about it is, he didn’t even slap my boobs.
Liz: Who smacks boobs?
Gaby: A lot of guys out there, for some reason, these days, are hitting t**ties … left and right. I swear, they’re, like, smacking them and hitting them. I don’t know if it was in some 4Chan forum. I don’t know where these fu**ing guys are reading it from, but these guys are out here smacking t**ties.
Liz: Wait. Paul knows the guy you’re interviewing with, and he couldn’t write a letter himself?
Gaby: It’s BS. I know.
Liz: He’s never getting a rock.
Quotes Shrinking Season 1 Episode 10
Paul: What kind of a person hugs and tells?
Jimmy: I know.
Brian: So, what are you going to do?
Jimmy: I guess I’m just going to eat s**t until she gets past it, you know? And then when she wants more, I’ll be there.
Brian: You’re a good dad.
Jimmy: Yes, for two whole weeks.
Paul: It just means that sometimes when I want my body to do something, it doesn’t do it right away.
Mason: Are you going to be okay?
Paul: Yes. Plus, I mean, I get out of all kinds of stuff I don’t want to do. Like washing the dishes or talking to strangers. Or smiling.
Plot Shrinking Season 1 Episode 10
Shrinking Quotes Season 1 Episode 10. Closure.
Sean prepares the food presentation for Liz and Derek. Eventually, they are delighted by Sean’s catering. As result, Liz wants to be not only an investor but a partner in the catering business. Alice is furious because she couldn’t find her mother’s clothes. She notes that her father took the wedding ring away. Jimmy wants to move on, but his daughter is not ready for changes.
Brian must choose the best man because his father refuses to be the usher. Eventually, Derek wins the contest and should be the usher at the wedding. Jimmy asks Brian’s father to be the best man. Liz learns from Derek that Gaby has a lover. Her husband kept silent about it for a month.
Liz wants to gift the rock to Gaby because she appreciates her friends. Gaby reveals that she hasn’t received the recommendation from Paul. She is looking for a professorship vacancy that’s why she needs the recommendation. Liz confronts Paul with Gaby’s recommendation. Paul goes to the university and recommends Gaby in person to his former co-worker.
Jimmy is anxious to do the ceremony, but he does a great speech about his marriage. Liz notes that Gaby has feelings for Jimmy. Grace begins to respect herself. When her husband begins to criticize her, she fires back. Finally, Grace does the last move to change herself and stop her husband from criticizing her.
Cast Shrinking Season 1
TV Show Shrinking Quotes Season 1
Jason Segel as Jimmy Laird
Heidi Gardner as Grace
Jessica Williams as Gaby
Luke Tennie as Sean
Lukita Maxwell as Alice
Christa Miller as Liz
Harrison Ford as Dr. Paul Rhodes
Ted McGinley as Derek
Michael Urie as Brian