The TV Series “The Offer” is based on Oscar-winning producer Albert Ruddy’s extraordinary experiences of making The Godfather (1972) movie. It stars Miles Teller, Juno Temple, Matthew Goode, Burn Gorman, Colin Hanks, and Giovanni Ribisi.
Erika: How much do we owe?
Mario: Five Gs to two bookies. A few grand to the bank, not including what I owe my brother.
Erika: F*** art, Mario. Start typing.
Charlie: A word to the wise, Ruddy. When you fail alone, there’s no one else to blame.
Al: That’s the only way I want it.
Barry: We need hits!
Ruddy: Who is that guy?
Mitch: Bob Evans, head of Paramount. That guy’s more connected than God, and yes, he’s always that tan.
Bob: Charlie, anything to add?
Charlie: Some of you think that I have a sentimental attachment to Paramount. I have a sentimental attachment to many things, which is why when I sell them, I sell them for a lot of money.
The Offer
The TV show “The Offer” is based on the producer Albert Ruddy’s experiences of making The Godfather (1972) film.
Cast: Miles Teller, Juno Temple, Matthew Goode, Dan Fogler, Burn Gorman, Colin Hanks, Giovanni Ribisi, Justin Chambers, Anthony Ippolito, Patrick Gallo.
The Offer Quotes TV Series
Bob: Every party needs a p**per.
Al: What the f*** is this? A kitchen that cost $75,000 dollars. Is this a joke?
Francis: They gotta cook.
Al: We’re not opening up a restaurant, Francis. They can pretend!
Al: I’m going to make an ice blue terrifying film about people you love.
Colombo: They made it so he can’t even have an open coffin. That way, the people that love him can’t say goodbye the right way. It’s just not done. You did the right thing by coming here. I appreciate that.
Al: Well, there’s an old saying. Nobody should be invited to a funeral, and everyone should come.
Al: So we don’t have to set this in present day.
Bob: Ruddy, how’d you get into my office?
Al: What do you mean?
Bob: You got in because you did something that’s not done. You saw something that you wanted, and you went for it. You and I are not like these corporate f***s. We don’t play by the book, we write the f***ing book. Now, you want to be a great producer, you do whatever it takes to get the movie made the way you want to do it. Now, you want New York. Go there. Make some deals. Prove that you can do it for the money. Beg, borrow, I don’t give a f***. Steal. You do whatever it takes. Now, you don’t have a long track record, but you got brains, and you got balls. Try using both, preferably at the same time.
The Offer Quotes TV Show
Charlie: I am your boss. I could make you give it to me.
Bettye: You can’t make me do anything, Charlie.
Mario: You want me to write about the mafia?
Erika: Yes.
Mario: How do I tell that story any differently? Everybody knows they steal, they control gambling, they run wh***s, unions.
Erika: Okay. So maybe it’s not just a book about the mafia!
Mario: What do you mean?
Erika: Well, the guys you grew up with, they didn’t start out so different from you. Immigrants. They eat, they drink, they love, they cry. They worry about their kids’ futures, just like us.
Mario: And they kill.
Erika: Okay, so maybe we don’t kill. But maybe this book is about finding the reason we would.
Colombo: You see Cher? Cher. Right there. Look.
Al: Yes.
Colombo: Married to that little lawn jockey. What the f*** is she doing with that guy?
Al: Making millions of dollars.
Colombo: I chose the wrong racket!
The Offer
Genre: Biography, Drama