The Boys in the Boat Quotes
The movie “The Boys in the Boat” is about team spirit and friendship. Starring Callum Turner and Joel Edgerton. Based on a non-fiction novel by Daniel James Brown. Directed by George Clooney. The release date of the film “The Boys in the Boat” is December 25, 2023.
The Boys in the Boat 2023 Movie Quotes
The movie “The Boys in the Boat” tells the story of the University of Washington team that competed in the Men’s eight-rowing event at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. It focuses on the coaches, boatbuilder George Pocock, and student-athletes from working-class backgrounds. One of these athletes, Joe Rantz, had a tough childhood as his family left him to take care of himself.
Coach Ulbrickson: Eight-man crew is the most difficult team sport in the world. The average human body is just not meant for such things. Most of you will not be chosen.
Coach Tom Bolles: Beautiful speech coach.
Ulbrickson: For what it’s worth I’m proud of you boys.
Bolles: Inspiring.
Ulbrickson: Well, you missed the part where I told them not to tip over.
Ulbrickson: We have a boat that I believe could qualify for an Olympic spot.
Manager: I hope you know what you’re doing.
– So, what’s that about making some money?
– Yes, the rowing team. You’re on you get a part time job including a cheap place to live.
Old Joe: There are some moments in life you never forget. Old Joe: The depression hit everyone hard. No jobs, no food, we were broke.
The Boys in the Boat
The film “The Boys in the Boat” is about athletes from working-class backgrounds. It stars Joel Edgerton and Callum Turner. George Clooney directed it. The movie “The Boys in the Boat” was released on December 25, 2023.
Quotes from The Boys in the Boat 2023 Film
“The Boys in the Boat” is a sports drama movie directed by George Clooney, which draws its inspiration from the non-fiction novel by Daniel James Brown, a New York Times bestseller. The narrative revolves around the University of Washington rowing team of 1936, who valiantly vied for the prestigious gold medal at the Summer Olympics held in Berlin. This remarkable tale of triumph is set against the backdrop of the Great Depression, wherein a group of individuals, considered underdogs, find themselves unexpectedly thrust into the limelight, pitted against formidable adversaries hailing from various corners of the globe.
George: The best boats, they’re connected. Sweat and pain.
Royal: I got nine seconds under the course record. Olympic year this year.
Ulbrickson: Olympic year? I didn’t realize.
Joe: We gotta beat those other schools first but coach says we have a shot. Maybe we can row as a team!
If you guys don’t get yourselves figured out, you’re not racing at all!
That bunch of kids rowed like no one else that’s ever come through here.
The Boys in the Boat
Callum Turner as Joe Rantz
Joel Edgerton as Al Ulbrickson
Peter Guinness as George Yeomans Pocock
Alec Newman as Harry Rantz
James Wolk as Coach Tom Bolles
Genre: drama, biography
Release date: December 25, 2023
© Tempesta Films, Lantern Entertainment, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Smokehouse Pictures, Solas Mind, Spyglass Entertainment, Spyglass Media Group.