Shrinking Quotes Season 1 Episode 6
The Apple TV+ series Shrinking Quotes Season 1 Episode 6 “Imposter Syndrome”. It stars Jason Segel, Christa Miller, Ted McGinley, and Harrison Ford.
Alice: Hey, what was it like in the ’70s?
Derek: Well, put your seat belts on because, this guy had a perm. I was pretty groovy. Also, we didn’t use seat belts. It’s the truth. Nobody cared. The number one candy in the country was a pack of candy ci*are*tes. Kids loved them. It was amazing. I had a motorcycle.
Liz: My Pilates instructor’s cousin’s aunt has Parkinson’s, and she says these really helped with anxiety and tremors.
Paul: Well, as long as it’s scientific. “Stankadelic.”
Liz: Look, best-case scenario, it helps. Worst-case scenario, you get a little high and you buy another one of those hats.
Brian: Charlie thinks the party is because you won Therapist of the Year.
Jimmy: That’s insane. How would they even judge that?
Brian: Yes, that’s why it’s insane.
Paul: You told me I had to tell Meg that I had Parkinson’s. And now she’s flying down here tomorrow to take charge of my care. You know, I’ve been wanting to spend more time with her, but she’s so busy. And then I tell her that I’m sick, and she drops everything because she feels she has to. It’s emotional blackmail. Like you are springing this proposal on Charlie in front of all these people.
Brian: No, my thing is not emotional blackmail. Is it?
Liz: It’s not not that.
The tv show Shrinking is about the therapist Jimmy Laird and his family.
TV Series: Shrinking TV Quotes
Quotes Apple TV+ Shrinking Episode 6
Jimmy: Everything goes your way, right?
Brian: See? This is why you’re Therapist of the Year.
Gaby: What the f**k is wrong with me?
Liz: Nothing. You tried to have morning sеx. Who has sеx in the morning? You’re not trying to trick him into marrying you.
Gaby: This guy was so hot. I just couldn’t … God, why is there no female version of “get it up”?
Liz: Because “juiced” was stolen by steroids.
Jimmy: So, these types of flashbacks you’re describing, super common. That’s our brain’s way of processing trauma.
Sean: Yes, well, my brain is an a**hоlе.
Jimmy: Your brain’s a whole boardroom full of a**holes. You got the judge. You got the critic. You got that guy in the back of the room who’s saying, “Eat more hot wings,” even though you just had a huge dinner. I hate that f**king guy.
Plot Shrinking Season 1 Episode 6
Shrinking Quotes Season 1 Episode 6. Imposter Syndrome.
Gaby tries to find a new lover after the divorce. Eventually, she realizes that she doesn’t want sex with different hot men. Liz offers gummies to Paul. Brian wants to propose to Charlie. As result, Jimmy agrees to do the engagement party at his house.
While everybody reminds Jimmy that his wife passed away Alice tries to kiss Sean, but he sees her as a child. Paul comes to the party when he ate too many gummies. Eventually, the engagement party becomes a disaster because Jimmy spoiled the magic moment. Nevertheless, Charlie accepts the ring and the marriage offer.
Gaby is frustrated because everybody considers divorce a tragedy. Jimmy and Gaby are drunk and don’t control themselves.
Cast Shrinking Season 1
TV Show Shrinking Quotes
Jason Segel as Jimmy Laird
Jessica Williams as Gaby
Luke Tennie as Sean
Lukita Maxwell as Alice
Christa Miller as Liz
Harrison Ford as Dr. Paul Rhodes
Ted McGinley as Derek
Michael Urie as Brian