Shrinking Quotes Season 1 Episode 4
The Apple TV+ series Shrinking Quotes Season 1 Episode 4 “Potatoes”. It stars Jason Segel, Jessica Williams, and Luke Tennie .
Jimmy: What happened to you when you were overseas?
Sean: What?
Jimmy: Look, I cannot help you if you don’t talk to me. I’m tired of you not opening up. Let’s do this.
Sean: What happened to “no pressure”?
Gaby: So, how does this work? The whole rock tumbling thing.
Liz: I go for hikes, hunt for agates, bring them home, rinse them off, pick out the good ones, cut them with my saw, tumble them for two months, and then I put them in glass jars in my bathroom because it looks pretty when the light comes in.
Gaby: I get it. So, like, for you this is all just like meditating.
Sean: You know why I like living here? When I was staying at my parents’ crib, they made me feel guilty for not getting better. I never got that here.
Jimmy: Until today.
Liz: Everyone thinks I’m just a mom. I’m not. I’m super cool. I take photographs only on film. People want my playlists. I have tiny tattoos. This one’s my favorite. It’s a Belgian loafer.
Gaby: That’s actually really f***ing sick, Liz.
Liz: Thank you.
Paul: What’s wrong with her foot?
Meg: Nobody knows.
The tv show Shrinking is about Jimmy who works as a therapist.
TV Series: Shrinking TV Quotes
Apple TV+ Shrinking Quotes Episode 4
Jimmy: Go find your own purpose, your own friends!
Sean: I’ve just never seen a grown man on a trampoline before.
Jimmy: Not even at Cirque du Soleil?
Wally: This is it. Um, do you mind taking your shoes off? It’s not an OCD thing, I used to live in Japan, so …
Jimmy: Pretty sure you told me you never left Pasadena.
Wally: Okay, fine. It is an OCD thing, but you know, the Japanese are no dummies.
Jimmy: I’m wondering when he’ll feel comfortable opening up, you know?
Paul: That’s easy. Never. You f***еd up. Created a dual relationship. He thinks of you as his friend / roommate, instead of his therapist.
Gaby: I’m just kidding. I’m trying to make you uncomfortable.
Paul: You’re very good at that.
Plot Shrinking Season 1 Episode 4
Shrinking Quotes Season 1 Episode 4. Potatoes.
Sean is not opening up and that’s disturbing Jimmy. Eventually, Wally misunderstands Jimmy and invites him home. Later, she tries to kiss him, and Jimmy understands that he failed as a therapist. Finally, Jimmy confronts Liz because she was too active in parenting his daughter.
Paul has to tell his daughter, Meg, about his diagnosis, but he is afraid. As a result, he asks to spend more time with his grandson, but Meg informs him that his grandson has other plans for summer. Brian, his estate attorney, insists that Paul tell his daughter about the diagnosis.
Alice tells Gaby that she had sex with Connor, Liz’s son. Jimmy wants to be an excellent dad, but this news makes him anxious. Liz and Gaby try to explain to Jimmy that his daughter is a teenager and Sean is a beautiful guy.
Cast Shrinking Season 1
TV Show Shrinking Quotes
Jason Segel as Jimmy Laird
Jessica Williams as Gaby
Luke Tennie as Sean
Lukita Maxwell as Alice
Christa Miller as Liz
Harrison Ford as Dr. Paul Rhodes
Michael Urie as Brian