Shrinking Quotes Season 1 Episode 1
Jimmy: We know the answer. Don’t you ever want to just make them do it?
Paul: Great idea. We just rob them of their autonomy, any chance they have to help themselves, right? And we become, what, psychological vigilantes?
Sean: You’re just going to leave your car here?
Jimmy: I’m a white guy in Pasadena. The cops will probably just take it back to my house for me.
Jimmy: You guys ever get so mad at your patients that all of a sudden, you just want to, like, shake them?
Paul: Well, we don’t shake them.
Jimmy: No, I know, I know. I’m rooting for them. I am. I’m like, “Come on, you f**ked-up person. You can change.” And then they just never do.
Paul: Compassion fatigue. We all hit those walls. You ask questions, you listen, you stay nonjudgmental, and you don’t make that face.
Jimmy: Sorry. Look, we know what they should do. Know why? Because it’s pretty f**king simple. “I get sad when I do this thing.” Maybe don’t do that f**king thing.
Grace: And he just kept on going on and on about how dumb I am.
Jimmy: You’re not dumb, Grace.
Grace: He said if I weren’t from my great tits, no one would want to take care of me, so, that’s almost nice.
Jimmy: It’s not nice.
Grace: I know, but he loves me.
Jimmy: Enough! Grace, we’ve been doing this for two years. Two years of your life. I have never seen a guy tell a woman that she is dumb and lucky she has great tits and thought to myself, “Wow, they must really be in love.” And you keep telling me how great he is. Well, I saw him. He’s not that great. His muscles are too big. His shirts are too tight. Nobody likes that. It’s gross. And what’s the word? What’s that word? What’s the word?
Grace: I don’t know what word you’re talking about.
Jimmy: Fugly! He’s fugly! He’s a fugly, fugly man. Fugly inside ad out.
Grace: I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s happening. Because I was talking and …
Jimmy: Grace, your husband is emotionally abusive. He’s not working on it. He doesn’t intend to. He’s made you think it’s all you deserve. It’s not. Just f**king leave him.
Sean: MMA? You like this s**t?
Jimmy: Me? No. It’s super dangerous. Hey, my friend Sean here would like to spar.

The tv show Shrinking is about Jimmy who works as a therapist.
Apple TV+ Shrinking Quotes Season 1 Episode 1
Grace: It’s not that easy.
Jimmy: It is that easy. You don’t have any kids. Just go to your sister in Vancouver.
Grace: But then …
Jimmy: Leave him or I’m done being your therapist.
Liz: Who are these girls?
Jimmy: They are my friends.
Liz: Are they hookers?
Jimmy: I don’t think so.
Liz: Did you pay them money?
Jimmy: Not yet.
Jimmy: I was actually heading home. It has not been my best day, so I’m going to take a bath. I moved a TV in there so I can watch movies.
Gabby: That’s cool. You are living the dream.
Jimmy: Hi, Liz! I’m just playing some air piano. How are you doing?
Liz: I’m great, thanks. What’s wrong with you?
Jimmy: It’s late, isn’t it?
Liz: It’s 3:00 in the morning.
Paul: I support trying to connect with Alice. Don’t force it. It won’t work.
Jimmy: I don’t know. She loves omelets, so I think it might work.
Paul: Feel free to call me first thing in the morning and tell me I’m wrong. It’s what I live for.
Shrinking Quotes Season 1 Episode 1
Girls: No!
Jimmy: I know, I know. Billy Joel’s the king, but we have to be respectful.
Derek: Jimmy!
Jimmy: Hey, Derek.
Derek: Thought that I was done raising kids, so thanks for that.
Jimmy: You’re welcome. Hey, Derek, you’re going to love dinner.
Liz: Jimmy, Alice is amazing. And before you know it, she’s going to be gone to college, and you’re going to wish you hadn’t screwed it up so bad that she never wants to come home.
Jimmy: I think I may have already done that.
Liz: Well, f*** it then. Get back in the game, dude.
Jimmy: What sets you off?
Sean: Anything. Everything. Somebody bumping me. Somebody saying some s***. Somebody breathing wrong. When it happens, I just snap. And then everything goes white. I don’t even know what the f*** happened until it’s all over. Can you make it stop?
Jimmy: You trust me, Sean?
Sean: F**k, no.
Jimmy: It doesn’t matter. I’m a psychological vigilante.
Sean: You a what?
Jimmy: Let’s go find you someone to beat up.
Jimmy: All that violence is still inside you, and it loops finding ways to get out. What you resists persists. That’s Carl Jung. I guess I figured if you could beat the c**p out of somebody who’s totally cool with it, maybe that’ll stop you from kicking the s**t out of anybody who breathes wrong at a bar someplace. It’s all right. Then we’ll start figuring out what’s going on underneath all that.
Sean: You think this will work?
Jimmy: Definitely.
Sean: Ok.
Jimmy: Or it’ll make your bloodlust stronger, and you’ll become twice as dangerous. We’ll just have to see.
Jimmy: Paul, I think I can help people if I just get my hands a little dirtier.
Paul: Be me for a second. Would you trust you? The answer is no.
Paul: I just got off the phone with Sean’s father. He said he came back from your session with broken tooth.
Jimmy: So not a fun talk.
Paul: Not for you.
Jimmy: I guess one thing led to another. Like, there’s no way that I’d make Sean fight cage matches if I hadn’t already forced Grace to leave her husband.
Paul: I thought I told you to sit down.
Jimmy: I told you that if I sit down, I’m going to feel like in trouble.
Paul: You are in trouble.
Sean: Every time I remember being happy, I get pi**ed because I see where I’m at now, and I know that that time is gone and I ain’t getting back.
Jimmy: Yes, I know how you feel.
Sean: What are you doing?
Jimmy: I’m celebrating. Sean, this is a victory. You didn’t kill a random do**hebag. This is progress.
Jimmy: Look, it is fine to be mad. I’m mad all the time. You did it. Come on, let’s celebrate.
Plot Shrinking Season 1 Episode 1
Jimmy works as a therapist, but he is frustrated because his patients do nothing to change their life. Eventually, he advises Grace to leave her husband. She spent 2 years in therapy but still lives with the abuser. Suddenly, Grace follows his advice and leaves her husband.
Sean is a former military and has angry management issues that’s why he beats people instead of just ignoring them. Jimmy realizes that just words will not help Sean to change himself. That’s why they go to the gym to fight in the ring. Eventually, Sean has bruises after the fight, but he is satisfied at this moment. As result, he didn’t confront the aggressive guy on the street and just walk away. Jimmy is happy as a therapist because his patient is making the progress.
Cast Shrinking Season 1
TV Show Shrinking Quotes
Jason Segel as Jimmy Laird
Jessica Williams as Gabby
Luke Tennie as Sean
Lukita Maxwell as Alice
Christa Miller as Liz
Harrison Ford as Dr. Paul Rhodes
Michael Urie as Brian