Sharper Quotes
The movie “Sharper” is a thriller about lies, secrets, and power. It stars Julianne Moore, Sebastian Stan, and John Lithgow. The release date of the film Sharper is February 17, 2023. It was directed by Benjamin Caron and written by Brian Gatewood and Alessandro Tanaka.
Sharper 2023 Quotes
Richard Hobbes: All that work for $1,000. Let me give you a piece of advice, Max. If you going to steal, steal a lot.

Max: Don’t do that.
Sandra: What?
Max: Don’t feel sorry for him. You can’t cheat an honest man, right? That’s why we never feel sorry for the mark.

Tom: There’s actually this little Japanese restaurant on Mott Street. If you’re not doing anything later, dinner’s on me.
Sandra: Sorry.
Tom: No. That’s … You probably have a boyfriend.
Sandra: No, I don’t. I’m single, and I kind of like being single.
Tom: You’re not my mom!
Madeline: No, you’re right. I’m not. Because if I were, I’d tell you to grow the f**k up. People get their hearts broken every day. It happens to everybody, okay? All the time. But most kids aren’t entitled enough to hire men to find the girl who did it.
Max: You seem very calm for someone who lost a lot of money.
Madeline: Well, I’m a professional.
The film “Sharper” is a drama about greed, jealousy, and ambition. It was directed by Benjamin and stars Julianne Moore and Sebastian Stan. The release date of the movie Sharper is February 17, 2023.
Sharper 2023 Movie Quotes
Max: What’s your favorite movie?
Sandra: Titanic.
Max: That’s a classic.
Sandra: You like that movie?
Max: Of course.
Sandra: DiCaprio was so young in it.
Max: Honestly, he’s never been better.
Sandra: I liked him in The Departed.
Max: He’s okay, but Titanic, that’s the movie that made him.
Sandra: And Kate Winslet was so beautiful.
Max: And the end. I’ll still never get over that.
Sandra: Can’t believe you like Titanic.
Max: I don’t. I’ve never seen it.
Sandra: You’ve never seen Titanic?
Max: No. I don’t watch movies. They’re a waste of time. But I gave you the impression that I did, and that’s why we’re going to do with you. We’re going to give people the impression that you’re somebody that you’re not.
Max: Diamond earrings for the poor wife who sits at home and waits for her husband while he preys on young women.
Sandra: I wouldn’t say he was preying on me. We sort of set him up.
Sandra: How can you do what you do?
Madeline: Practice.
Richard Hobbes: When he turned 21, I offered him anything he wanted. You know what my son asked for?
Max: I don’t know, Richard.
Richard Hobbes: A signed copy of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. Now he wants to open a bookstore.
Max: Not exactly a sound investment.
Richard Hobbes: No. But I’m gonna give it to him anyway. You know why, Max? Because we only get one life. And I’ll not be my son’s jailer for his brief time on earth.
Max: You like him a little bit.
Madeline: Of course, I like him. He’s a billionaire.
Sharper 2023 Film Quotes
Sandra: Oh, my God! Is this a first edition? Is this real?
Tom: This is real.
Max: What do you know about this guy?
Madeline: Honey, he’s a public figure. Anything you want to know you can just google him.
Richard Hobbes: That was my son. I always assumed he would inherit all this. Then his mother died, and he didn’t take it well. He doesn’t have the fortitude to work here. He’s weak.
Plot Sharper (2023) movie
Sandra comes to a bookstore to buy a rare book for her professor. She meets shy Tom who falls in love with her because he thinks she is his soulmate. As a result, they celebrate his birthday; she knows more about his friends. But they always meet in her apartment.
It turns out that Sandra has a brother who owes money to dangerous people. Eventually, Tom offers to pay $350,000 and forget about her brother’s debt. That’s the first time when Tom opens the secret that he is the only son of the billionaire. Sandra accepts Tom’s offer. Later, he realizes that she run away with his money.
A24, Apple TV+, Picturestart.