SAS Rogue Heroes Quotes
The tv series “SAS Rogue Heroes” is the story of creating the British Special Air Service during World War II. The original idea of SAS belongs to Jock Lewes. The tv show SAS Rogue Heroes is based on Ben Macintyre’s book. The movie stars Connor Swindells, Jack O’Connell, Alfie Allen, Sofia Boutella, and Dominic West. The film was released on October 30, 2022.
SAS Rogue Heroes 2022 Quotes
– My truck is running low on fuel, so the rest must be the same. Permission to bring the fuel trucks. Tobruk is in 120 miles. We need to refuel.
– Yes. I know.
– So, you should give the order to bring up … Please tell me that we brought petrol trucks with us on this convoy.
– As a matter of fact, we didn’t. I’ve been watching my own fuel gauge moving inexorably toward empty, and I’ve worked out that what it must be, you see, is that the convoy has been fueled with just enough petrol for a journey of 500 kilometers.
– Right. But the journey from Cairo to Tobruk is 500 miles, old boy.
– Indeed. There are Frenchmen, you see, in the transport department.
– Frenchmen. Right.

Jock: Do not be yourself tonight. Remember this. When we are among them, your mother is not watching.

– Stirling, what would it take to make you call me “sir”?
– It would take respect.

– What you feel?
– Regret. If I die in this way, it would mean my life was a one act comedy with not even an interval for gin and tonic.
David Stirling: I am a long shot, a shot in the dark, but at least I am a shot.
SAS Rogue Heroes
The tv show SAS Rogue Heroes is about the creation of the British Special Air Service during World War II. It stars Alfie Allen, Connor Swindells, Jack O’Connell, Dominic West, and Sofia Boutella. The release date of the tv series SAS Rogue Heroes is October 30, 2022.
Connor Swindells as David Stirling
Jack O’Connell as Paddy Mayne
Alfie Allen as Jock Lewes
Sofia Boutella as Eve Mansour
Dominic West as Dudley Clarke
TV Series:
Season 1 (2022)
SAS Rogue Heroes 2022 TV Series Quotes
Jock: Desert sores, dysentery, sand in your arse, sand in your eyes, sand in your lungs, sand in your kidneys, sand in your foreskin, all be forgotten when the blood is up. Take it now. No, take a drink of rum. Drink. Do not think.
– Stirling, are you in?
– You stole the parachutes. I will steal an airplane.
Jock Lewes: I’m told by the doctor not to express pity. They said pity suggests hopelessness which encourages despair.
I am bringing together men of a particular caliber and you are amongst them. The others are all insane, in jail or like me in despair.
– Oh sh*t.
– Is that a medical term?
– You can hear me?
SAS Rogue Heroes 2022 TV Show Quotes
– What are the chances of survival?
– Ten … percent.
Jock Lewes: How are you?
David Stirling: My mother looked up my condition in a medical dictionary. She tells me only one in five people with a spine contusion ever walk again, but I am always, always in the minority.
Instead of spending a f**king year in Scotland, climbing mountains, sleeping in ditches, and strangling cattle, I should’ve just memorized that speech because it works every time.
– Sir, permission to steal donated food rations from the Australians.
– Permission granted.
– Who do they belong to, sir?
– This is the British Army. No one owns anything, no one knows anything, nothing is certain, nothing is as it seems, and whatever the f**k you have in your hands belongs to you.
– A disciplined group of men.
– Ahh, discipline. You see, I myself would consult quickly with Johnny Walker before each engagement. How would that be with your idea of discipline?
– Is that important to you?
– It’s an indicative example. I once had this idea in a sweaty dream one night that all regimental discipline is horse sh*t. Each man should be a chess piece that can move in any direction. His idiosyncrasies and his own business.
– The most important thing is courage.
– The most important thing is wit, in every sense of that word. Anything expected fails. Never be where you are meant to be.
Actually, the first thing we would need to do is prove that the principle of a parachute drop is sound. No one has ever parachuted in the desert before. Not ever. When a vulture spreads its wings our there, it does up, not down.
In a world where there are no rules, no order and no organized plan, certain men are identified by war itself as its natural executors. And those natural executors take matters into their own hands.
Paddy Mayne: Not my stop, boys. Not my f**king stop. Not today.
– And I am of use to you.
– Yes, of course.
– It’s so very odd when one meets oneself.
– What do you think about just before?
– I think about the voice inside of my head that says, “so what.” “So, f**king what.”
I like you. Do you know why? Because if I tell you a joke, you pretend that it’s funny.
David Sterling: Theft. I’m afraid theft is something I cannot tolerate, but if we are going to engage, first let me give you a small warning, I am a particular kind of soldier. A commando. I trained with other men like myself, some live only to fight and kill enemy, others are careless you will find and will fight anyone at all. There are mercifully few of us, but in war, we are allowed to be the beasts that we are. We are taught to kill silently, and it becomes instinctive, almost like swallowing, and the cursed thing is, once learned, you can’t unlearn it. Do you understand?
You shake hands with a man, and you can’t help but glance at his throat. Every part of the body is an invitation to be eagerly accepted a s a dog accepts a bone. Eyes are for thumbs to push into the brain. Mouths can be torn open. Necks are a gift, God’s ultimate mistake. Spoons, tea towels, cups of tea, they are all weapons. Everything you touch is a weapon. You are a weapon. If our gentlemen generals had the sense to unleash us, can you even imagine? Ordinary men when they encounter us, are understandably reluctant to make our acquaintance but if you really do insist.
SAS Rogue Heroes
Connor Swindells as David Stirling
Jack O’Connell as Paddy Mayne
Alfie Allen as Jock Lewes
Sofia Boutella as Eve Mansour
Dominic West as Dudley Clarke
Release date: 30 October 2022
TV Series Seasons: 1