The TV series Not Dead Yet (2023) is a story about a single woman who wants to restart her life and career. It’s based on a book written by Alexandra Potter. Starring Gina Rodriguez and Hannah Simone. The tv show “Not Dead Yet” (2023) was created by David Windsor and Casey Johnson. It was released on February 8, 2023.
Nell: I got us salads! I thought we could have lunch in your luxurious office.
Sam: I really wish I could, but Lexi scheduled a pitch meeting with all the editors, and she had some lobster flown in. She thinks that expensive food will really motivate people. And it does.

Cricket: Well, I have to thank you for bringing Nell into my life. She wrote the most beautiful obituary for my husband, Monty.
Sam: I am so sorry for your loss. But remember, when one door closes, another window opens.

Edward: If we’re going to live together, I think it’s best that we work on our communication a bit.
Nell: I’m down with that.
Edward: Hopefully it’ll help me better understand your irrational and erratic mood swings, also your obsession with tables.
Nell: You’re not going to let the table go, are you?
Edward: Autistic people just hate tables now.
Nell: Really?
Edward: No, I’m joking. I beg you, please, stop getting all your information from TikTok.

Monty: You know the best way to get over someone? Get under someone else.
Nell: Awesome! Thank you for your wisdom.
Monty: Wow! $14 bucks for a cocktail. You know, back in the day, we used to make LSD in the bathtub and give it away for free! I miss the ’90s!
Not Dead Yet
The tv show Not Dead Yet (2023) is about a single woman who wants to change her career and life. It stars Gina Rodriguez and Hannah Simone. The tv series “Not Dead Yet” (2023) was created by David Windsor and Casey Johnson. It’s based on Alexandra Potter’s book. The release date of the film “Not Dead Yet” is February 8, 2023.
Gina Rodriguez, Josh Banday, Angela Gibbs, Rick Glassman, Hannah Simone, and Lauren Ash.
TV Series:
Season 1 (2023)
Lexi: Let’s take 30 seconds and tell the other person exactly what we think of them with no repercussions. I’ll go first. I think you are a sloppy drunk.
Nell: You’re just gonna go right in there. Well, I think your relationship with your horse is inappropriate.
Lexi: I think that shirt looks like it was bought from Wet Seal.
Nell: I took the bites out of those donuts.
Lexi: You still work in newspapers.
Nell: You work in newspapers.
Lexi: I knew you didn’t want me at your birthday party, but I invited myself anyway.
Nel: I don’t think you’re good enough to be friends with Sam.
Lexi: When Dennis asked me to hire you, I said no. You gave up a promising career to chase after some guy, and when it doesn’t work out, I’m supposed to pick up the pieces? I only changed my mind when Sam told me you were in a sad spot and really needed to catch a break. I hired you for her. But I am your boss, and if you don’t perform, you will be the first to go, and it won’t matter who you’re friends with.
Nell: Okay, good to know. I really don’t think that’s a fun game, by the way.
Lexi: It’s a lot better if you’re playing with your family.
Lexi: You! You’re young. What drսg are you on? We could write about that.
Intern Mason: Claritin and an asthma inhaler, as needed.
Lexi: Yeah, well, that’s going to change, okay? We’ll do an expose. We’re going to enroll you at Euphoria High School. Somebody, wire this kid up!
Sam: Lexi, babe, remember, Euphoria High School is not a real high school.
Nell: The only reason why she has this job is because her dad owns the newspaper. And half of Pasadena.
Sam: Yes, I know. She’s a little rich and weird, and she thinks that Old Navy is a branch of the military, but when you are a working mom, it is hard to meet other working moms.
Sam: I wish I loved anything as much as Tina loves salads.
Nell: You have two children.
Lexi: Euphoria Kid! You’re coming, too!
Intern Mason: A nickname already.
Lexi: We need to find a way to get eyeballs on us. We need that clickety clickety buzz buzz.
Sam: Topical stories that are socially relevant.
Nell: I don’t know if you remember, but I’ve been writing about you, and you’re a dead, twice-divorced, wannabe musician who wrote one jingle that made me hate bubble gum.
Monty: What about you? I’ve been around you for about 24 hours, and I can tell, you’re no prize. You drink too much, you’re jealous of other people’s happiness, and you literally just run away from any difficulty in your life.
Sam: Oh, yes, Mason. Thinks he’s better than everyone just because he went to Dartmouth. Pretty confident for a guy that gets dropped off by his mom every morning.
Nell: His generation never got bullied in high school. They’re invincible.
Dennis: I would tell you this is really good, but then you’d just want to start a union, so instead, I’m just going to upload it to publication.
Old lady: I’m going to be honest because I’m dead. Your natural deodorant doesn’t work. And why aren’t you married? Time’s ticking.
Monty: Let me tell you something. I was prodigy on the piano. I moved to California in the Summer of Love, and I was going to make incredible music. And I ended up writing “Yummy Yum”.
Nell: No singing!
Monty: I know. It’s embarrassing. Because I wanted so much more. So, I got angry, and I pushed people away. And eventually, I climbed out of my own ass and realized that there were people all around me living their lives not caring about what life should be, but about what it is.
Nell: I’m glad you brought up the rules. I’d like to make an amendment to move the Peloton out of the dining area so that we can do a proper kitchen table.
Edward: Why? There’s plenty of places you could eat… in your bedroom, or you could eat on the couch if you put a blanket down. You could even eat in the bathroom if you’re a monster.
Lexi: That’s the horse that bucked me. Todd. I keep it as a reminder of my failures.
Old lady: Have you had your carbon monoxide monitor checked? I smell gas.
Nell: Yes? You afraid you’re going to die more?
Nell: You’re exhausting.
Jane Marvel: Five out of my six ex-husbands said the same thing.
Nell: I hated that song as a kid.
Dennis: Don’t judge a person by their jingle, Nell. Everyone has a story, and it’s your job to find it.
Edward: I know at times I could be difficult to live with. Or so I’ve been told.
Nell: So, have I. So, maybe we’re a good match.
Nell: A few years ago, I moved away, and I screwed up my life. And I want you to know that I really appreciate this job, but since I’ve been writing obituaries, I’ve been weirdly stuck in my head, and I haven’t done my best work. I know I could be more valuable to this paper as an investigative journalist.
Lexi: I don’t think I follow.
Sam: Lexi. What Nell is saying is that she thinks she can give you the clickety clickety boom, and if you take away that last chance, she won’t be able to prove that she can give you the zip to the zap-zop.
Lexi: Now, that I understand.
Nell: So, what are you going to put me on? City beat? Crime beat?
Dennis: The dead beat.
Nell: Oh, my God, you’re putting me on obituaries?
Dennis: Here’s your new office. I’m not going to lie, this is a closet.
Nell: That seems generous.
Sam: You are late. But I told everyone that your phone was still set on UK time and that you were donating blood. Okay? So, act kind of woozy.
Nell: See? This is why I love you. Still know how to party. No. Your airhorn’s broken.
Sam: That is because it is a breast pump. Do you remember when these boobs were for, like, flashing people? Now they are for feeding people.
Nell: Hide me. What? It’s Scotch Tape.
Sam: Yeah, Nell, you can’t call her that anymore, okay? Lexi is your boss now, and as crazy as it sounds, we have actually become work friends.
Nell: For some dumb reason, I thought that I would just come back home and pick back up where I left off, but everything’s changed, and I feel really disconnected from everyone.
Jane Marvel: Are you really gonna let that tall piece of broccoli walk all over you like that?
Nell: I’m not letting him walk all over me. He’s on the spectrum, and honesty is part of his personality. I watched a TikTok about it.
Nell: Because I live here, too. And if you can have a stupid bike that doesn’t go anywhere, I can have a Flurskydur that I get to eat breakfast on.
Edward: It’s difficult having a conversation with you when you look like three kids stacked on top of each other trying to sneak into an R-rated movie.
Nell: What are the markers of a life well lived? We try to describe people’s lives in one sentence. “She was a successful journalist.” “He was an old friend and a new boss.” “She was a working mom.” “He was the Yummy Yum Bubble Gum guy.” But the truth is, there isn’t one sentence that can describe a life. Because life is complicated. And people aren’t always who we think they are. The real truth
is, we’re all a work in progress, and so are our relationships. The old ones we’re trying to keep and sometimes, if we’re lucky, it’s the new ones that take us by surprise.
Lexi: When I stop talking it means the meeting is over. See?
Episode 1. Pilot
Nell returns to her home city to work as a journalist at her old job. However, the reality is that her only job for her is to write obituaries. Eventually, it turns out that she can see dead people. But the worst part is that her new boss is an old classmate. Finally, Nell celebrates her birthday and says negative to her new boss Lexi.
My Episode 2. Not a Tiger Yet
Nell tries to apologize to Lexi unsuccessfully. The new boss tries to find new ideas to increase the reliability of her newspaper. Eventually, intern Mason sees the competitor in Nell because he thinks she is the intern. Lexi buys lobsters to motivate writers the generate ideas. Finally, the ghost helps Nell to communicate with her roommate and increase the popularity of the local newspaper.