Flora and Son 2023 Movie Quotes

Flora and Son 2023

Flora and Son Quotes

The Apple TV movie “Flora and Son” is about a single mother trying to find her son a hobby. Starring Eve Hewson and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Directed by John Carney. The release date of the film “Flora and Son” is September 29, 2023.

Flora and Son 2023 Movie Quotes

A single mother should find a hobby for her son because he is a young thief and can go to jail. Eventually, she finds a guitar and makes a birthday gift for her son. Unfortunately, Max doesn’t want to play the guitar. Flora hires an online guitar teacher to look fantastic for her son. Meanwhile, Max discovers new talents. As a teenager, he has a crush on a girl. Flora advises Max to write the song for this girl. He did it, and the result was a disaster.

Flora: Sorry.
Jeff: No, no. Don’t be sorry. If everybody were as honest as you, I wouldn’t have had to waste a decade and a half of my life.

Flora and Son 2023

Flora: Don’t feel sorry for yourself.
Jeff: No, no. I’m not. I mean, it’s a humbling realization. You know, you sit down and want to play something for somebody, and they’re ready. You’re, like, receptive. And you watch as their eyes glaze over. And, um, it’s harder for them than it is for you. It’s the smiling with the mouth but not the eyes. That’s how you know.
Flora: Know what?
Jeff: That they’re unchanged.


Jeff: All that personality’s in the same three chords. And you can know a thousand chords and never write something as beautiful as that.
Flora: Is that your problem?
Jeff: I didn’t know I had a problem.
Flora: You’re teaching guitar online, love.

Flora and Son 2023

Flora: Are you saying you don’t find me a teeny bit attractive when I’m singing that song with you?
Jeff: You’re my student.
Flora: So?
Jeff: It’s inappropriate.
Flora: Who’s going to cancel you? You’re already no one.

Flora and Son 2023

Jeff: Making people cry is not an achievement. Bullies do it every day.
Flora: Let’s hear one of your songs then.
Jeff: Lyrics need to be more than just “you’re beautiful” or some series of platitudes for lonely women, trying to make them feel better about themselves. That’s not a love song. That’s a self-help group.

Flora and Son


“Flora and Son” is about a single mother and her teenage son. It stars Eve Hewson and Oren Kinlan. John Carney directed the film. The movie “Flora and Son” was released on September 29, 2023, on Apple TV+.

Quotes from Flora and Son film on Apple TV


Jeff: You are now the proud owner of C, right? And you didn’t own that five minutes ago. You’re rich. You own something Elvis owned.
Flora: I’d rather have his plane.
Jeff: Plus, it didn’t cost you anything.
Flora: Well, $20 for this class, but I do know what you mean. Go on.
Jeff: You own something new, and nobody can take it away from you. And this isn’t just some must-have object. It’s not a bag or a car or a phone. You ever seen an ad for a guitar? No, it sells itself. This is a gift you can take to your grave, and you can use it whenever you want. And in the right context, it can speak directly to your heart in ways we don’t even understand. More than thoughts, more than words, more than ideas. Just a chord, hanging there in the air. C.


Flora: So, this is like pillow talk?
Jeff: No, no, you owe me for six hours.


Flora: So how many chords do you need to know before you can write a song?
Jeff: It’s not really, about the number of chords. It’s more, you know, how you use them.


Guard: He’s been robbing since he’s been in short trousers. He’s a waste of space. There’s a time when you run out of road, and it’s that time.


Flora: You know, because unless you have a killer chorus, which you don’t,
it’s an anticlimax.
Jeff: So, what you’re saying is, my verse is too good?
Flora: Wow. You are a glass-half-full kind of guy.

Cast: Eve Hewson, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Oren Kinlan, Jack Reynor, Sophie Vavasseur, and Kelly Thornton.

Quotes from Flora and Son Movie


Flora: Everyone says they care. Every bloke I’ve met is all, “Ah, you have a kid. Deadly. Let’s give it a go. I’ll rise to the occasion.” And then they f**king disappear. And all me so-called mates are like, “Aw, you and Max are so cute.” But then they’re off to Spain on their holidays, and “they don’t take kids at this resort.” Or ask them to f**king do something for you, and they’re nowhere to be found. They never babysat. They never picked him up from school. They never asked me what I might want or what my needs are. Since I was 17, with a screaming child on me lap, doing me head in, while youse were all living your f**king lives. Now I want to live my life!


Ian: Sorry, but you playing the guitar? That’s just too funny.
Flora: Why?
Ian: Because it takes dedication, years of practice, sweat, commitment. It’s not just an overnight transformation on some fu**ing reality TV show. Took 20 years to build up them calluses.
Flora: Are you really gonna talk to me about commitment?


Ian: Heard about the guitar episode. So you had a little Harry Styles on your hands, was it?
Flora: Who knows what he could be? I mean, look at the genes.
Ian: It’s not about the genes. It’s about dreams.


Guard: Have you stolen any goods?
Max: Not that I got caught with.


Jeff: What are you hoping to get out of this?
Flora: I thought this guitar might make my son think I’m cool.


Kathy: But you didn’t get the boat to London, did you? That was your call. Now don’t be asking other people to pick up the pieces.


Jeff: How come the way things are are never enough for you?
Flora: They never were. I was always pushing things.


Flora: Jesus Christ, it’s just a bloody song.
Jeff: No. It is never just a song. It is a three-and-a-half-minute pause in time in which to do something wonderful, something touched by God.


Flora: What’s it made of?
Seller: It’s full of feathers. Goose feathers.
Flora: From a golden goose?


Max: Women love criminals.
Flora: Oh, for f**k’s sake. What movie are you in?


Ian: What’s his name?
Flora: Jeff… the guitar guy.
Ian: Sounds like some f**king clown who never made it, teaching guitar lessons online. That’s the ultimate graveyard for failed musicians.


Max: That’s the look.
Flora: Yes, for turtles.


Flora and Son


Eve Hewson as Flora
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Jeff
Oren Kinlan as Max
Jack Reynor as Ian
Sophie Vavasseur as Juanita
Kelly Thornton as Heart

Genre: drama

Release date: September 29, 2023
Company Credits
Distressed Films, Fifth Season, FilmNation Entertainment, Fis Eireann / Screen Ireland, Likely Story, Treasure Entertainment, Apple TV+.
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