Fair Play Quotes
The Netflix movie “Fair Play” is about a couple who work in the same company. Starring Phoebe Dynevor and Alden Ehrenreich. The film is directed by Chloe Domont. The release date of the film “Fair Play” is October 6, 2023.
Fair Play 2023 Movie Quotes
Emily and Luke work in the same financial company. They hide their romantic relationship. Luke expects the promotion, but his boss, Campbell, gives rise to his girlfriend. When a surprise promotion becomes available at a highly competitive financial company, the once harmonious relationship between Emily (Phoebe Dynevor) and Luke (Alden Ehrenreich), who are romantically involved, takes a dark turn.
As the balance of power in their relationship undergoes an irreversible shift, the couple is forced to confront the actual cost of success and the unsettling boundaries of ambition. Fair Play exposes the uncomfortable clash between empowerment and ego.
In her directorial and writing debut, Chloe Domont skillfully crafts a gripping thriller centered around the complexities of relationships, delving into the damaging gender dynamics that pit partners against each other in a rapidly evolving world.
Campbell: We all do filthy things. Disgusting things. We all step in s*it. But we leave it there. You don’t trek it back into the office.

Emily: Money isn’t as fun unless you spend it on people you love.

Emily: Why is it so hard to accept that I deserved that job? Why can’t that just be okay?

Campbell: How long have you been with us?
Emily: Two years.
Campbell: Two whole years. Do you know how many make it to three? “Those who are privy to the inner workings of building a great company have long understood that success takes more than a great idea and a bucket of sweat.” “In fact, the most entrepreneurial successes are contingent upon learning the rules and navigating within one particular box.” I don’t know many 17-year-olds published by The Wall Street Journal. You’re not just navigating the box. You’re running circles around it.
Emily: I’m sure Quinn never told you, but he shorted Brick last month, making up three times for that one loss. He’s made great progress analyzing performance. He’s sharp, he works hard.
Paul: So does my gardener.
Fair Play
The film “Fair Play” is about people who work in a hedge fund company. It stars Phoebe Dynevor and Alden Ehrenreich. The movie is directed by Chloe Domont. It was released on Netflix on 6 October 2023.
Quotes from Fair Play film
Luke: April 6th, 2009. Spring semester at Yale. You came in and gave a 40-minute presentation. No sugarcoating, no aspirational bulls*it, you just laid it all out. First level thinking, second level thinking, the traps, the hacks. You taught me more about finance in 40 minutes than I learned in two years at Goldman. I never knew what I wanted to do until I met you. The minute you finished, I went straight to my counselor, changed my courses, my diet, my wardrobe. I did everything I could to follow in your footsteps because all I’ve ever wanted is to work for you, learn from you, and one day, become you. I never believed in anything growing up. This firm has become my religion. You have become my God. I promise you give me this opportunity; I will give you everything I got. Take this as my oath, my loyalty. F**k, if I had a knife, I would sacrifice my own blood.
Campbell: Blame. Accountability. It’s all irrelevant. Let it go. Move on.
Luke: How did I get so fu*king lucky?
Emily: Are you talking about me or your job?
Luke: When the f**k are we getting married? I gotta mark my territory. Piss on my tree. You’re the tree.
Campbell: He was a favor.
Emily: A favor?
Campbell: A friend of mine pushed him on me. It’ll just make it easier when he quits on his own.
Emily: Well, he’s valuable to me.
Paul: So is my gardener.
Fair Play Movie Quotes on Netflix
Emily: You’re fu**ing pathetic.
Luke: Prancing around like the newest member of Beta Phi? Drinking like there’s no tomorrow? Does that make you feel good? Powerful? Like one of the boys? Because I’ll tell you something, you don’t look like one of the boys. You look like the hooker they paid to keep them company.
Luke: You act like you’ve got it all under control. You can’t keep your own f**king house in order. You think your employees respect you? You think fear cultivates respect? They don’t respect you, they f**king hate you!
Campbell: All the money in the world … All our clients want is a clean floor. You let Human Resources mop it up. You let them worry about the story. You got more important things to focus on. No firm will touch him after the stunt he just pulled. He’s done.
Emily: 25 million? What the f**k happened?
Luke: Everyone thought it was gonna take off. The technology is cutting edge.
Emily: Did you understand the technology before pushing it? They completely missed their numbers right after the close. I told you twice to finish the analysis before we made a move.
Luke: Every firm was jumping on it. Millennium, BlackRock, Avenue.
Emily: Yeah, well, we’re not f**king sheep, Luke!
Emily: Can I buy you another?
Luke: Now that you’re making more money than me?
Fair Play
Phoebe Dynevor as Emily
Alden Ehrenreich as Luke
Eddie Marsan as Campbell
Rich Sommer as Paul
Sebastian de Souza as Rory
Genre: drama
Release date: October 6, 2023