Darby and the Dead Quotes
The movie “Darby and the Dead” is about a teenager who can see dead people. As a result, she prefers to spend time alone. Meanwhile, Capri is a very popular cheerleader in high school. But everything changes when she passes away. The ghost convinces Darby to help her to make the party “Sweet 17”. In exchange, Darby will be the most popular girl in high school. The film Darby and the Dead stars Riele Downs, Auliʻi Cravalho, and Chosen Jacobs. The release date of the comedy “Darby and the Dead” is December 2, 2022.
Darby and the Dead 2022 Quotes
I’d finally started making it in the living world, but it turns out there are a lot of rules to being popular. Don’t brag, only humble brag. It’s okay to be moody, but never sad. Sad is cringe. Don’t try too hard. Be woke, but not a woke fisher. Don’t be thirsty. Do listen. Do smile. Speak clearly. Don’t be angry. Be a winner. Don’t worry. Dress to impress. Don’t overgram.
– How are you feeling about moving on?
– I’m so ready. I’ve already confronted my worst fear. Being in the same outfit for more than a week.
– Give me my clothes.
– Why would I take your clothes? Not planning on attending a funeral.
Being popular is an illusion. Like a magic trick, or cryptocurrency. You just have to believe in it. And then they will too.
Darby and the Dead
Riele Downs as Darby Harper
Auliʻi Cravalho as Capri Donahue
Chosen Jacobs as Alex
Asher Angel as James
Darby and the Dead 2022 Movie Quotes
Look at you with 756 followers. Congrats, you’re becoming a real person.
– My old school didn’t have this type of structure. You know, the bell telling you when and where to go, having to raise your hand to get permission to take a leak.
– Public school is only a few rules away from the Marines.
I can’t believe we fake dated, and I for real got broken up with.
Darby and the Dead 2022 Film Quotes
– Darby, what are you doing? You’ve just left your king wide open.
– Defeatist is right. This is like watching The Queen’s Gambit. Except she su**s.
– When I didn’t make it past the blinds on The Voice, I felt like such a loser. But when I came back to school, Capri helped me realize that failures are just life’s way of making you stronger.
– It’s true. I was so supportive.
– And in what worldly dimension do you think I can throw your dream party? My, the girl you call, “Fr**k show”?
– In a world where I make you popular enough to do it.
– I just can’t believe that she’s gone. I had my nose modeled after hers.
– I heard she shot 50 feet in the air, and her pants flew off.
– Do you think James Harris will rejoin jazz band now? “Dead Cheerleader” is a killer name for a band.
– Alive Capricorn Donahue was an “it girl”, but dead Capri Donahue? She’s a legend, honey.
Who is that? I want her b**t.
– Hi! Are you new here?
– Yes, I’m a freshman. And I’ve always dreamed of being a cheerleader, but I’m so intimidated by it. Isn’t it just for shallow, hot girls?
– I’m so glad you asked. And the answer is, that’s offensive. Cheerleaders aren’t just pretty people who are happy all the time. We face the same challenges. Just like you.
– You’re an honors student, and you both seem like such …
– He’s thinking, “We**dos.”
– Abstract thinkers.
He was my first crush back in sixth grade. Before I realized that romantic relationships are just a social construct people created to avoid the fact that we’re all helplessly alone in this world.
Darby and the Dead 2022 Quotes
– I’m sorry. She can be a little extra sometimes.
– Extra psychotic.
There’s an a** on my desk.
Capri knows I’m the one person she can’t get to like her. I’m the one girl in school who doesn’t want to be her, the one person who can through her BS.
Darby and the Dead
Riele Downs as Darby Harper
Auliʻi Cravalho as Capri Donahue
Chosen Jacobs as Alex
Asher Angel as James
Wayne Knight as Mel
Derek Luke as Ben
Tony Danza as Gary
Genneya Walton as Bree
Nicole Maines as Piper
Kylie Liya Page as Taylor
Genre: comedy, drama
Release date: December 2, 2022