Class of '07 (2023) Quotes
The tv series Class of ’07 (2023) is about a 10-year high school reunion and surviving on the island. Starring Emily Browning and Megan Smart. It’s a love letter to a female friendship. The release date of the tv show “Class of ’07” is 17 March 2023.
Class of '07 TV Series 2023 Quotes
Renee: Carpet isn’t food! Okay? We’re never going to survive on carpet. For weeks, our bodies have been going through all our glycerol and ketone stores, and now they’re eating away at the muscle protein, too.
Zoe: People can survive for ages on barely anything. Look at Gandhi. Look at Gwyneth Paltrow.

Saskia: There was a period about three years ago, bank accounts were empty, investors weren’t calling us back. So, we sat down our staff and gave them an option. Either ride it out or go find another job. Teresa, no one left. Do you know why? Because it’s not a failure until someone says it’s over. In my experience, hope only dies when you decide to fail.

Amelia: Can we keep the Prolexoft thing between us?
Renee: Yes. Doctor-patient congeniality.

Megan: What, so we don’t value art anymore?
Genevieve: This country’s never valued art. Why start now?
Renee: Of course, no one believed I was a doctor, Phoebe. Like, no one ever expects big things from me.
Phoebe: Good medicine is kindness. Yes, so you don’t have that little bit of paper, but guess what?
Renee: What?
Phoebe: You make people feel better.
Class of '07
The tv show Class of ’07 (2023) is friendship, honesty, and surviving. It stars Emily Browning and Caitlin Stasey. The tv series “Class of ’07” was released on 17 March 2023.
TV Series: Season 1 (2023)
Class of '07 TV Show Quotes
Renee: I’m sorry that I told you all I was a doctor when I’m actually really a nail technician.
Phoebe: What? You’re not a doctor? You really fooled me. Right, guys?
Phoebe: It’s okay, Renee. We kind of knew.
Renee: What?
Tegan: Yes, like when you said formaldehyde was pickle juice, it was a dead giveaway.
Saskia: Do you know what I learned from creating a startup? How to fail.
Sandy: Give me that mini pizza.
Zoe: Sandy, no, if not for us, at least think of the gluten.
Amelia: We need a bi**h.
Saskia: I don’t do that s**t any more.
Amelia: Thing is, Saskia, when you were captain, we never lost a race.
Megan: And when you performed “routine” Pap smears on us and called the speculum a “spatula”? And what lab were you sending the swabs to? Because all of us was just in a whole bundle. It didn’t make sense.
Teresa: I reckon I cottoned on when you chopped off my whole entire toe.
Quotes from Class of '07 (2023) on Amazon Prime
Genevieve: Is this the end of time, Sister? Has the rapture finally come for us?
Sister Bicky: No, you silly girl, it’s just climate change and food poisoning.
Zoe: Friendships, yes? They’re all we’ve got.
Sandy: Yes. Until you’re ready to eat a bi**h.
Zoe: Welcome to the worst hangover of your life, baby girl.
Saskia: What’s going on?
Zoe: So, the PR strategy has been planted, if you will. But while I was out there, I found some communication of the very real variety.
Saskia: Ok. Enough of the corporate babble. What are you trying to say?
Zoe: I found a broken f**king oar, Saskia.
Genevieve: Forgettable Laura, you’re it.
Laura: What? Why me?
Genevieve: Because everyone s**ts on you equally, so you’ll be impartial.
Tegan: No. It’s too professional. No. Clipboard like that invites too many questions.
Megan: Yes, you’re right. This b**ch is too competent. Like she’s into mentoring. She wants to know where you see yourself in five years. We don’t want to see her at all. Bye, bi**h.
Tegan: Slay, yes! Black. Simple. It says, “I’m in business, but not enough for you to ask me any detailed questions about it.”
Saskia: We’re not meant to be okay. Which is why, starting now, I’m introducing a mandatory emotional release hour. Do whatever you need to do to work through the pain and the worry and the grief. Because nothing could have prepared us for this. No amount of meditation or medication or self-care. So, please, just give yourself permission to fall apart for one whole hour a day. I’m urging you to cry, sob, howl at the moon. I don’t care. We will get our s**t together. We’ll deploy all our strengths until we master the basics of food, water, plumbing and power. But don’t for a second underestimate the pain of being back here. All our teenage baggage has floated to the surface, and now we’re stuck with the people we thought we’d know forever until, you know, boys and jobs and forks in the road got in the way. So, for all our sakes, get over your s**t and let it out, because if we don’t, I promise you, we’ll never survive this.
Episode Guide
Episode 1. Bird Shit.
After being embarrassed on national tv, Zoe is hiding in the mountains. Eventually, she moves to school when she realizes that dangerous weather can destroy her house.
Episode 2. Pancake Rage.
Women realize that they are stuck on the island and need to survive.
Episode 3. Dumb Dumbs.
Genevieve starts the search for Sandy. As result, Saskia orders Zoe to make up the story about Sandy’s escaping.
Episode 4. Soul-Crushing-Cycle.
Amelia tries to produce electricity at school because Saskia gave the ultimatum.
Episode 5. The People Vs Saskia.
Genevieve starts the prosecution of Saskia. Eventually, Amelia decides to defend Saskia.
Episode 6. Utopia.
All members of the school are suffering from food poisoning because they ate fish.
Episode 7. Party Like it’s 1999.
Sandy returned from the ocean trip. It turns out that she is pregnant. Finally, Amelia is frustrated and offers the end-of-life party.
Episode 8. The Tribe Has Spoken.
Women vote for who will be a lamb for the dinner. Eventually, Amelia offers herself as a lamb to save Megan. Finally, Zoe refuses the sacrifice of Amelia and escapes with her from the island.
Class of '07
Emily Browning as Zoe
Megan Smart as Amelia
Caitlin Stasey as Saskia
Claire Lovering as Genevieve
Emma Horn as Renee
Steph Tisdell as Phoebe
Sana’a Shaik as Teresa
Rose Flanagan as Laura
Chi Nguyen as Megan
Bernie Van Tiel as Tegan
Sarah Krndija as Sandy
TV Show: Season 1 (2023)
Matchbox Pictures, Universal International Studios, Amazon Studios.