Beef TV 2023 Quotes
The Netflix tv series Beef (2023) is about Danny and Amy after the road rage incident. It stars Steven Yeun and Ali Wong. The tv show Beef was released on Netflix on 6 April 2023.
Beef TV Series 2023 Quotes
George: You are obsessed with money. That’s all you ever talk about.
Amy: George, I didn’t grow up the way you did. Okay? You ever notice how it’s only people who have money that think money isn’t important? The Buddha is only the Buddha because he was a prince first, right? He had stuff to renounce.

Danny: I would be if you were helping me instead of flirting with the customer base.
Paul: Dude, it’s called client services.
Client: I mean, don’t you need like a certification or something?
Danny Cho: What, are you going to get a guy with, like, five stars on Yelp? Those reviews are fake, man.
The tv show “Beef” (2023) is about the lives of two people after the road rage incident. It stars Steven Yeun and Ali Wong. The tv series Beef was released on 6 April 2023.
Beef TV Show 2023 Quotes
Danny Cho: That’s what’s wrong with the world today, man. They want you to feel like you have no control. You know? Like you’re gonna eat s**t with a smile on your face or some s**t.
Jordan: Don’t f**k this up. Because you and I both know I could just go to China and copy your s**t for less.
Amy: Yes. I mean, let’s keep the jobs in America, right?
Amy: And then at some point, you think you’d get to relax, but no. There’s too much moisture, so now I got to redo these f**king cabinets. I got to redo the roof probably, and then by the time I’m done, I’m running out of money, the kitchen’s out of style, and the whole time, all I wanted was a f**king hot tub.
Danny: You have a timeless kitchen.
Quotes from Beef on Netflix
Jordan: A good story drives the price, as we know.
George: I have photos of my mom sitting naked on the mold.
George: Those vases don’t just make themselves.
Amy: They also don’t make money.
George: If money is gonna drive us apart, then I renounce.
Amy: We can’t renounce because all your dad left us was tables and chairs.
Amy: It must be nice getting to spend all day at home with Izzy.
Naomi: Yes! No, it’s great but I don’t spend all day at home.
Amy: No, of course, I didn’t mean.
Naomi: Yes, I have my nonprofits. And I write. And Jordan comes to me for business advice from time to time.
Amy: I heard that. Yes. That’s a lot to juggle.
Naomi: Then when Jordan gets on a roll, she will just text me non-stop. And we talk stocks, we talk omnichannel retail.
George: Are you sure we’re at the right address?
Amy: It makes sense, he didn’t scream “homeowner” to me.
George: I wish you would unload the dishwasher sometimes.
Amy: I barely have time to eat off of those dishes.
Episode Guide
Beef TV Series (2023)
Episode 1. The Birds Don’t Sing, They Screech in Pain.
Danny is a contractor who is looking for new clients. His brother Paul just plays games, and his parents lost the motel because of his cousin. Amy almost hit Danny’s car near Fosters. She is stressed because of her husband, mother-in-law, and the sale of her business. Both drivers became furious. As a result, Danny finds Amy’s address and realizes that the driver was a woman. He takes revenge in her bathroom, and that’s why Amy finds his business to give him the same.
Episode 2. The Rapture of Being Alive.
Danny borrows the money from Isaac. He starts a new business using Paul’s name because Amy wrote negative reviews. Amy confronts George at a gallery because her husband refused to sell his father’s chair to the potential buyer of Amy’s business. At the same time, George doesn’t earn any money and his mother just criticizes his wife.
Episode 3. I Am Inhabited by a Cry.
Danny attends the church and cries during the session. Edwin accepts Danny to repair the church building. Amy contacts Paul as Mia by creating a fake Instagram profile. Jordan informs that Amy should stay in business for five years because her name is the brand. Danny takes the loan in the name of the church.
Episode 4. Just Not All at the Same Time.
Amy confesses that she is married to Paul and goes to Vegas. Paul steals Danny’s truck and drives to Vegas, where he spent the night with Amy, but not physically. Isaac and Danny want to chase Paul and return that truck. While Amy was in conference, Danny pointed to her and reminded her about a road accident in public. As a result, Naomi becomes suspicious.
Episode 5. Such Inward Secret Creatures.
Isaac is under house arrest because of the incident in Vegas. Danny offers to rob Amy’s house and take the art piece. He becomes friends with George and discovers that Amy is the breadwinner in this family. The plan for the precious art piece doesn’t make sense, that’s why he cancels the robbery. Nevertheless, Bobby and Michael break into Amy’s house and meet Fumi. The mother-in-law comes to steal her husband’s chair because she has financial issues. She spends too much money. Paul asks Amy for money, and she dumps him.
Episode 6. We Draw a Magic Circle.
Isaac, Danny, Michael, and Booby go as a team to the church basketball tournament. Naomi is digging for the truth about the road rage accident. As a result, Amy offers the money to Danny to keep silent. Fumi covers Amy and explains her version to Naomi. That’s why Amy called off the deal with Danny, who calls the anonymous line to report about Isaac. Eventually, the cousin returns to jail.
Episode 7. I Am a Cage.
Eight months later. Am bought the vacation house after she sold her business to Forsters. Danny became popular in church and bought the house for his parents. George confesses to Amy about his emotional cheating with Mia. Danny finds out about the affair between Paul and Amy. Paul tells George about his affair with Amy, and that’s why George wants the divorce. While Danny brings the parents, they see the burning house.
Episode 8. The Drama of Original Choice.
Amy visits her parents. It turns out her father was cheating. Danny interrogates Edwin who confesses that he ordered the magazines to Danny’s address. But he is innocent and didn’t commit arson. The insurance company informs Danny that the reason for the fire was the faulty wiring. Amy is innocent of arson, but Danny lies to Paul and wants to frame Amy. After breaking into her house, he fights with George. Finally, Danny sees June with the dog in his backseat when he tries to drive away.
Episode 9. The Great Fabricator.
While Amy visits Jordan’s house, George calls her to tell her that June is kidnapped. Isaac demands $500,000 as ransom, but Amy offers to rob Jordan’s house. As a result, Naomi and Jordan ran to the panic room. Unfortunately, Jordan was killed by the automatic door. Amy is frustrated because George took June home and left her. Danny escapes using Jordan’s car, but Amy tries to chase him. Finally, both cars drive off a cliff.
Episode 10. Figures of Light.
Amy and Danny have to survive together because they are injured and have no food. As a result, they ate poisoned berries and spent time together in hallucinations. Both confess and realize that they are similar and unhappy. While they were crossing the tunnel, George shot Danny. Finally, Amy spends time in the hospital with Danny, where she realizes that he is her soulmate.
Steven Yeun as Danny Cho
Ali Wong as Amy Lau
David Choe as Isaac
Young Mazino as Paul
Joseph Lee as George
Patti Yasutake as Fumi
Maria Bello as Jordan
Ashley Park as Naomi
TV Show: Season 1 (2023)