1923 Quotes Season 1 Episode 5
Alexandra: You only get to choose me once. The choice will not be offered again.
Spencer: Get your things.
Jacob: Did you start hiring livestock agents?
Cara: Sheriff has started interviewing.
Jacob: No. You gotta do it. You gotta look them in the eye. Don’t trust the charming ones. Charming ones work for him. If he’s smart, he’s got somebody to back him. Someone with money.
Cara: Why do you think that?
Jacob: Because that’s what I’d do, if I was in his spot.
Cara: I find it hard to believe that anyone would support that monster.
Jacob: It’d take another monster, that’s for sure. Who’s the one man in this state benefits if the ranchers move out? What’s the one business that doesn’t have recessions?
Cara: Gold.
Jacob: We can’t win. No leader. Can’t win without a leader.
Jack: I can lead them.
Jacob: They won’t follow you. Not yet. This must be done right. Or we lose everything.
Cara Dutton: I’ve sent for the doctor.
Emma Dutton: What for?
Cara Dutton: For you. I’ll not spoon feed and bathe two, Emma. You have a child, he needs you.
Emma: He is a man. Who has a woman. He has no need for me.
Sons outgrow their mothers, now, do they?
Emma: Become a mother before you lecture me about sons and what they do.
1923 Quotes Season 1 Episode 5
Jacob: Don’t we have a steak in the ice box?
Cara: Doctor said …
Jacob: If nine bullets don’t kill me, I doubt a steak will.
Cara: I’ll boil a chicken with rice. He said rice, you’re having rice.
Jacob: Chicken and rice. That’s nobody’s last meal.
Cara: Exactly.
Spencer: What the hell is it doing?
Lucca: It’s a ghost. A ghost ship. Boilers blew in the spring, and crew abandoned ship, but she didn’t sink. No, no. And she won’t run aground. The current in this channel holds her. Now, she lists back and forth hunting captains who don’t pay attention.
Alex: Don’t ever doubt me again, Spencer. If you never doubt me, I’ll never doubt you.
Spencer: It wasn’t a doubt. It was a worry.
1923 Quotes Season 1 Episode 5 TV Show
Liz: I would like to set a date for the wedding.
Cara: I’m sure you would, dear. But we should wait until the spring.
Liz: I’m afraid I don’t think my dress will fit in the spring.
Cara: There isn’t enough rum cake in Montana to put a pound on you,
Liz: Not because of cake. We said our vows, we just left the law out of it. And the preacher. And everyone else.
Cara: That is the first good news these ears have heard in months.
Lucca: There was this ghost ship called the Zebrina. British cargo ship hauling coal. She ran aground in France after floating past all of you fellas coming to join the war. My hospital ship ran from her for weeks. I swear that empty b***h, she was chasing us.
Cara: Yes, we will plan a small wedding very soon. With a preacher who knows how to backdate the license if you know what I mean.
Liz: Well, they can do that?
Cara: It’s the savior of countless reputations, my dear.
Donald Whitfield: I’d love to meet your husband. Is there a time I might pay a visit?
Cara Dutton: I’ll inform him of your interest.
Donald Whitfield: We could choose a time now.
Cara Dutton: I don’t keep his calendar.
Donald Whitfield: Isn’t that what rancher’s wives do? Keep the books and the calendar?
Cara Dutton: Not this wife.
Donald Whitfield: The valley is changing. Progress is upon us. There are opportunities beyond cattle, which isn’t much of a business these days. More of a dream, really. And not a good one.
Cara Dutton: Well, it’s our dream.
Banner: Think she’ll sell?
Donald Whitfield: What choice does she have? Let her spend a winter here without her husband to run that ranch. By spring she’ll beg me to buy it.
Plot 1923 Season 1 Episode 5
Meanwhile, in Montana, Banner Creighton makes a deal with a local rich man Donald Whitfield. The banker wants the whole valley, including the Duffon ranch. Cara is still waiting for the answer from Spenser. The Duffons need an experienced leader because Jacob is old and recovering slowly. Jack considers Liz as his wife, and they exchange their vows in front of God. Liz says to Cara that she is pregnant. That’s great news for a long time. As result, Cara realizes that Liz needs a fast wedding.
Cast 1923 Season 1
TV Show: 1923 Quotes
Helen Mirren as Cara Dutton
Harrison Ford as Jacob Dutton
Julia Schlaepfer as Alexandra
Brandon Sklenar as Spencer Dutton
Darren Mann as Jack Dutton
Michelle Randolph as Elizabeth Strafford
Sebastian Roche as Father Renaud
James Badge Dale as John Dutton Sr.
Marley Shelton as Emma Dutton
Brian Geraghty as Zane
Aminah Nieves as Teonna Rainwater
Robert Patrick as Sheriff William McDowell
Jerome Flynn as Banner Creighton
Jennifer Ehle as Sister Mary
Timothy Dalton as Donald Whitfield
101 Studios, Bosque Ranch Productions, MTV Entertainment Studios, Paramount+.